Updated for Q1 2025: Kaiko Spot Exchange Ranking

Level 1 & Level 2 Data.
Market data for CeFi and DeFi ecosystems. Covering spot, derivatives, and lending protocols.

Comprehensive market data enabling you to make informed data-driven decisions
Support Mid and Front-Offices

Optimize trading through TCA, execution analytics, and strategy enhancement. Use technical and volatility insights for stronger risk decisions.
Accurate Backtesting

Backtest with confidence, based on accurate historical data.
Market Research and Monitoring

Support internal crypto analysis through comprehensive CeFi and DeFi monitoring for insights and compliance.
Business Intelligence

Transform crypto market data into actionable insights to benchmark your exchange’s performance against the ecosystem and guide strategic decisions.
Subscription Tiers
Our tiers offer Small, Medium, Large, or Full ticker packs, each allowing you to select a specific number of tickers from a single asset class. You choose which tickers work best for you within that class. The definition of a “ticker” varies by asset class, but can be trading pairs (like BTC-USD spot on Binance) or protocol-blockchain combinations (like Uniswap on Ethereum).
Level 1 Aggregations Tier
From $1,000
per month.
Ticker pack price.
Our Entry-Level
CeFi spot ticker packs
Trade count
DeFi spot ticker packs
Trade count
CeFi derivative ticker packs
Trade count
Level 1
From $1,500
per month.
Small CeFi spot ticker pack price.
Level 1 Aggregations Tier, plus:
CeFi spot ticker packs
All trades
Best bids/asks (top of book)
DeFi spot ticker packs
All trades
CeFi derivative ticker packs
All trades
Best bids/asks (top of book)
DeFi lending & borrowing ticker packs
All borrows and repayments
All liquidations
All deposits and withdrawals
Level 2
From $2,000
per month.
Small CeFi spot ticker packs price.
Level 1 Tick-Level Tier, plus:
CeFi spot ticker packs
Market depth
Bid/ask spread
Price slippage
Raw order book snapshot
DeFi spot ticker packs
Tokens in a liquidity pool
CeFi derivative ticker packs
Market depth
Bid/ask spread
Price slippage
Raw order book snapshot
DeFi lending & borrowing ticker packs
Interest rates
Borrowed and deposited amounts
Level 2
From $2,500
per month.
Small CeFi spot ticker packs price.
Level 2 Tick-Level Tier, plus:
CeFi spot ticker packs
All bids and asks on
an order book
DeFi spot ticker packs
All mints and burns
from a liquidity pool
CeFi derivative ticker packs
All bids and asks on
an order book