Major Changes in the Exchange Ranking

Derivatives Risk Indicators.

Forecast market volatility with implied volatility models and access real-time contract-level derivatives data, including trading volume, open interest, funding rates, and options Greeks.

Manage derivatives risk with confidence.

Kaiko Derivatives Risk Indicators are built for risk management, providing you with an implied volatility estimate of any crypto asset with user-provided criteria, as well as other contract-specific risk metrics.

View documentation

  • Complete Risk Management
    Analyze derivatives risk through multiple lenses – from IV smiles and surfaces to funding rates, open interest, and Greeks.

  • Comprehensive coverage
    Access data on 200k+ derivatives contracts including all BTC, ETH, SOL, MATIC, and XRP instruments across major exchanges.

  • Real-time Insights
    See the raw data and get minute-by-minute updates through a reliable API.

  • Flexible Volatility Calculations
    Calculate implied volatility for any listed strike price or expiry date using strikes, deltas, or moneyness. Get values for strikes and expiries that sit between market quotes using space and time interpolation.


Kaiko Derivatives Risk Indicators is used by various market players such as exchanges, market makers, traders, and prime brokers to manage derivatives risk strategy.

  • Advanced Risk Management

    Monitor portfolio risk through multiple dimensions, from volatility surfaces to funding rates, enabling dynamic hedging strategies.

  • Market Making Excellence

    Price options accurately with comprehensive IV analysis and real-time risk metrics for optimal spread management.

  • Arbitrage Detection

    Identify opportunities across venues by comparing implied volatilities, funding rates, and other key risk indicators.

  • Strategic Positioning

    Make informed trading decisions with multi-dimensional risk analysis covering both options and futures markets.


    What is IV and why does it matter?

    How is IV impacted by market events?

    How can you IV to manage options risk?

    Download Report

    Front cover of the market dynamics report


    Computing implied volatilities for crypto can be difficult due to a lack of liquidity and standardized instruments. Download the methodology to see how we overcome these issues.

    Download Methodology

    Kaiko IV Methodology Front page of PDF

    Subscription Tiers

    Our tiers come in flexible Small, Medium, Large, and Full packs that determine how many tickers you can choose from our coverage. A “ticker” represents an individual trading contract with five components: base currency, quote currency, exchange, contract type, and contract size. For example, a ticker might be BTCUSDBinanceFutures0.001.

  • Basic Tier

    Assess Risk Using Exchange-Provided Data

    From $1,000

    per month.

    Small ticker pack price.

    Get Started

    Our basic pack:
    • Time to expiry
    • Open interests
    • Options IV & Greeksbest bid, best ask, mark price, gamma, rho, theta, vega, provided by the exchange
    • Perpetual funding rates – current and predicted
  • Advanced Tier

    Assess Risk Using Our Advanced Methodologies

    From $2,000

    per month.

    Small ticker pack price.

    Get Started

    Basic pack, plus:
    • Flexible IV calculation using a robust methodology
    • Customizable IV calculation using strikes, deltas, or forward log moneyness
    • IV comparison across exchanges
    • IV comparison across expiries
    • IV computation for unlisted strikes and expiries – requires an existing market
  • Request a demo of Derivatives Risk Indicators.

    Learn more about how Derivatives Risk Indicators can power your derivatives strategy. Request a call with a member of our team.